

전문 물리치료사 양성Passion, Pride, Profession!!

Department of Physical Therapy



권용현 교수

  • 연락처053-650-9702
  • 담당과목운동치료학, 신경계물리치료학
  • 전공분야신경과학, 신경물리치료학
이메일 보내기

현재 영남이공대학교 물리치료학과 교수

대한물리치료학회 이사장

전북대학교병원 재활의학과 물리치료실 근무

영남대학교병원 재활의학과 물리치료실 근무

대구대학교물리치료학과 겸임교수

전문 및 전공분야

뇌신경과학 (functional MRI, EEG)

취득면허 및 자격증

물리치료사면허 (보건복지부)
미국 인디애나, 뉴욕, 콜로라도 물리치료사면허(미국 관할 주)


권용현, 박지원. Changes in Cerebral and Cerebellar Activation Patterns Induced by Short-term Sequence Learning of a Serial Reaction Time Task: an fMRI Study. JPTS, 2013.
권용현, 권중원. Is transcranial direct current stimulation a potential method for improving response inhibition?. Neural Regeneration Research, 2013.
권용현, 권중원, 박지원. Changes in brain activation patterns according to cross-training effect in serial reaction time task: An functional MRI study. Neural Regeneration Research, 2013.
권용현, 서정표, 여상석, 장성호. Precommissural Fornix in the Human Brain: A Diffusion Tensor Tractography Study. SEI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2013.
권용현, 김중휘, 박지원, 이동훈, 홍철표, 황윤태. Curvature range measurements of the arcuate fasciculus using diffusion tensor tractography. Neural Regeneration Research, 2013.
권용현, 김성호, 변우목, 서정표, 장성호, 정영진, 정철훈, 최병연. Diffusiion tensor imaging findings of optic radiation in patients with putaminal hemorrahage. EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2013.
권용현, 이미영, 장성호, 장평훈. Differences of the frontal activation patterns by finger and toe movements: A functional MRI study. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 2012.
권용현, 이동엽, 이미영, 장성호, 홍지헌. Difference of neural connectivity for motor function in chronic hemiparetic stroke patients with intracerebral hemorrhage.NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 2012.
권용현, 김세윤, 김승연, 손수민, 이은실, 장성호, 조희경. Diffusion Tensor Imaging Demonstrated Differences between Hemiplegic and Diplegic Cerebral Palsy with Symmetric Periventricular. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2012.
Kwon, YH (Kwon, Yong Hyun), Jang, SH (Jang, Sung Ho). Onsite-effects of dual-hemisphere versus conventional single-hemisphere transcranial direct current stimulation A functional MRI study. NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH, 2012.
Kwon, YH (Kwon, Yong Hyun), Nam, KS (Nam, Ki Seok), Park, JW (Park, Ji Won). Identification of cortical activation and white matter architecture according to short-term motor learning in the human brain: Functional MRI and diffusion tensor tractography study. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 2012.
권용현, 이한숙, 장종성, 최진호. Gender Differences in Lower Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics of the Vertical Ground Reaction Force Peak in Drop-landing byFlatfooted. JPTS, 2012.
권용현, 이동엽, 이미영, 장성호, 홍지헌. Termination differences in the primary sensorimotor cortex between the medial lemniscus and spinothalamic pathways in the human brain. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 2012.
Kwon, Y.H., Chang, M.C., Jang, S.H., Jung, Y.J., Yeo, S.S. Corticoreticular pathway in the human brain: Diffusion tensor tractography study. Neuroscience Letters, 2012.
Kwon, YH (Kwon, Yong Hyun), Park, JW (Park, Ji Won). Cortical Activation Pattern according to Discrimination of One-Point and Two-Point Tactile Sensory Inputs : an fMRI Study. JPTS, 2012.
권용현, 김중선, 박소현, 안상호, 장종성. Differences of ground reation forces and kinematics of lower extremity according to landing height between flat and normal feet. JOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION, 2012.
Kwon, YH (Kwon, Yong Hyun), Chang, JS (Chang, Jong Sung), Choi, YJ (Choi,Young-Jin), Lee, HS (Lee, Han Suk). Awareness of Community-Based Rehabilitation with a Focus on Public Health Centers. JPTS, 2011.
Kwon, Y.H., Chang, C.H., Choi, B.Y., Hong, J.H., Jang, S.H., Jung, Y.J., Kim,S.H., Lee, D.G. The Prevalence of Central Poststroke Pain according to the Integrity of the Spino-Thalamo-Cortical Pathway. European Neurology, 2011. Kwon, Y.H., Chang, M.C., Jang, S.H., Kim, S., Kwon, H.G., Son, S.M. Characteristics of the aberrant pyramidal tract in comparison with the pyramidal tract in the human brain. BMC Neuroscience, 2011.
권용현, 김세윤, 김철승, 손수민, 이준, 장성호, 정용재. Predictability of motor outcome according to the time of diffusion tensor imaging in patients with cerebral infarct. NEURORADIOLOGY, 2011.
Kwon, YH (Kwon, Yong Hyun), Kim, MS (Kim, Min Soo), Kim, YN (Kim, Yoon Nyun), Lee, IH (Lee, In Hee), Seo, ST (Seo, Suk Tae), Son, CS (Son, Chang Sik) .Clinical Aspects of Screening Test Tools for Central Neuropathic Pain in Patients with Thalamic Stroke. JPTS, 2011.
Kwon, YH (Kwon, Yong Hyun), Jang, SH (Jang, Sung Ho), Kim, CS (Kim, Chung Sun), Kwon, JW (Kwon, Jung Won), Lee, MY (Lee, Mi Young), Park, SY (Park, Sang Young). Presence of Ideomotor Apraxia in Stroke Patients with Pusher Syndrome. JPTS, 2011.
장성호, 권용현, 배대석, 손수민, 이준. Combined study of transcranial magnetic stimulation and diffusion tensor tractography for prediction of motor outcome in patients with corona radiata infarct. JPTS, 2011.
장성호, 권용현. The enhanced cortical activation induced by transcranial direct current stimulation during hand movements. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 2011.
조상현, 장성호, 권용현, 이미영, 장민철. Age-related changes of the corticospinal tract in the human brain. Neural Regeneration Research, 2011.
Kwon YH (Kwon, Yong Hyun), Jang SH (Jang, Sung Ho), Lee MY (Lee, Mi Young), Nam KS (Nam, Ki Seok), Park JW (Park, Ji Won). The Temporal Change of Cortical Activation Induced by the Ongoing Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. JPTS, 2011.
권용현, 권혁규, 이미영, 장성호, 홍지헌. Somatotopic Arrangement of the Corticospinal Tract at the Medullary Pyramid in the Human Brain. EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2011.
Kwon, YH (Kwon, Yong-Hyun), Park, JW (Park, Ji-Won). Different cortical activation patterns during voluntary eccentric and concentric muscle contractions: An fMRI study. NEUROREHABILITATION, 2011.
권용현, 박래준, 안상호, 이미영, 이준, 장성호, 장종성, 최진호. Clinical Characteristics and Brain Activation Patterns of Mirror Movements in Patients with Corona Radiata Infarct. EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2010.
권용현, 장성호. Cortical Activation Pattern in Hemiparetic Patients with Pontine Infarct. EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2010.
권용현, 박지원, 손수민, 안상호, 이미영, 장성호, 조윤우, 최진호. The cortical activation effect of phonation on a motor task: A functional MRI study. NEUROREHABILITATION, 2010.
권용현, 장성호. Cortical Activation Changes Associated with Motor Recovery in Mild Hemiparetic Patients with Corona Radiata Infarct. JPTS, 2010.
권용현, 김중선, 김중휘, 남기석, 이명희, 장성호, 장종성, 형인혁. Evidence of neuromuscular adaptation according to motor sequential learning in the serial reaction time task. JPTS, 2010.
Kwon, YH, Cho, IS, Choi, JH, Choi, YW, Hwang, YT, Nam, KS. Effect of Mental Training on the Balance Control Ability of Healthy Subjects. JPTS, 2010.
Kwon, YH, Hong, JH, Jang, SH. Identification of the Rubro-Olivary Tract in the Human Brain: a Diffusion Tensor Tractography Study. JPTS, 2010.
Kwon, Y.-H., Chang, J.S., Hyouk, H.I., Jang, S.H., Kim, C.S., Kim, J.H., Lee, M.H.,Nam, K.S. Evidence of neuromuscular adaptation according to motor sequential learning in the serial reaction time task. JPTS, 2010.
Kwon, YH, Jang, SH, Son, SM. Motor function reorganization lateral to congenital brain lesion: A functional MRI study. NEUROREHABILITATION, 2010.
Kwon, YH, Han, JT, Koo, HM, Nam, KS, Park, JW. Three-Dimensional Kinematic Analysis during Upslope Walking with Different Inclinations by Healthy Adults. JPTS, 2009.
Kwon, YH, Ahn, SH, Byun, WM, Jang, SH, Kim, CS, Lee, MY. The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on the cortical activation by motor task in the human brain: An fMRI study. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 2009.
Kwon, YH, Ahn, SH, Byun, WM, Cho, YW, Choi, JH, Jang, SH, Park, KA, Son, SM. Transcallosal fibers from corticospinal tract in patients with cerebral infarct. NEUROREHABILITATION, 2009.
Kwon, YH, Ahn, SH, Byun, WM, Chang, MC, Cho, YW, Jang, SH, Lee, MY, Son, SM. The comparison of cortical activation patterns by active exercise,proprioceptive input, and touch stimulation in the human brain: A functional MRI study. NEUROREHABILITATION, 2009.
Kwon, YH, Jang, SH, Kim, DS, Yoo, WK. Kernohan's notch phenomenon demonstrated by diffusion tensor imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY, 2008.


남기석 교수

  • 연락처053-650-9703
  • 담당과목정형도수물리치료학, 운동치료학
  • 전공분야정형도수물리치료학/근골격계운동치료학
이메일 보내기

현재 영남이공대학교 물리치료학과 교수


대한물리치료학회 심사위원

한국전문물리치료학회 정회원

한국보건의료인국가시험원 위원

국민건강보험공단 장기요양 등급판정위원회 위원 역임

강릉영동대학 물리치료과 근무

전문 및 전공분야

동적 근전도(Dynamic EMG)

취득면허 및 자격증

물리치료사면허 (보건복지부)
독일 도수치료사 자격증 (DGMSM)
도수치료 국제강사 자격증 (DGMSM)


KS Nam, JW Kwon, OY Kwon. The relationship between activity of abductor hallucis and navicular drop in the 7 one-leg standing position. JPTS, 2012.
YH Kwon, KS Nam, JW Park. Identification of cortical activation and white matter architecture according to short-term motor learning in the human brain: Functional MRI and diffusion tensor tractography study. Neuroscience Letters, 2012.
YH Kwon, KS Nam, MI Lee, JW Park, SH Jang. The temporal change of cortical activation induced by ongoing effect of transcranial direct current stimulation. JPTS, 2011.
JW Park, JS Chang, KS Nam. Reliability of Navicular Drop Measurements in Standing and Sitting Positions. JKSPT, 2010.
KS Nam, JW Park. Effect of Active Foot Arch Support on Lower Extremity Electromyographic Activity during Squat Exercise in Persons with Pronated Foot. JKSPT, 2010.
JW Park, KS Nam. Change of Fractional Anisotropy in the Left Inferior Frontal Area after Motor Learning. JKSPT, 2010.
JH Choi, YW Choi, KS Nam, et al. Effect of Mental Training in the Balance Control Ability of Healthy Subjects. JPTS, 2010.
TH Kwon, JS Chang, MH Lee, JH Kim, HI Hyouk, KS Nam, SH Jang, CS Kim. Evidence of Neuromuecular Adaptation According to Motor Sequential Learning in the Serial Reaction Time Task. JPTS, 2010.


장종성 교수

  • 연락처053-650-9704
  • 담당과목측정및평가, 임상진단및평가
  • 전공분야물리치료진단, 측정및평가
이메일 보내기

현재 영남이공대학교 물리치료학과 교수

대한물리의학회 국제이사

대한물리치료학회 심사위원

호남대학교 물리치료학과 근무

대구한의대학교 물리치료학과 근무

영남대학교병원 재활의학과 물리치료실 근무

전문 및 전공분야

생체역학 (3-D Motion Analysis, EMG)

취득면허 및 자격증

물리치료사면허 (보건복지부)


Effects of Electromagnetic Diathermy in Conjunction with Nerve Mobilization in the Management of Lower Back Pain. JPTS, 2012.
Radiographic Imaging Analysis after Sling Exercises for Hemiplegic Shoulder Subluxation. JPTS, 2012.
Gender Differences in Lower Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics of the Vertical Ground Reaction Force Peak in Drop-landing by Flatfooted Subjects. JPTS, 2012.
The Effect of Motor Learning of Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT) Through Action Observation on Mu Rhythm and Improvement of Behavior Abilities. J Clin Med Res, 2012.
Differences of ground reaction forces and kinematics of lower extremity according to landing height between flat and normal feet. J Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2012.
Awareness of Community-Based Rehabilitation with a Focus on Public Health Centers. JPTS, 2011.
Low Limb Muscle Activation and Joint Angle in the Sagittal Plane During Drop Landing from Various Heights. JPTS, 2011.
Clinical Characteristics and Brain Activation Patterns of Mirror Movements in Patients with Corona Radiata Infarct. Eur. Neurology, 2010.
Evidence of neuromuscular adaptation according to motor sequential learning in the serial reaction time task. JPTS, 2010.


강경우 교수

  • 담당과목해부학/물리적인자치료
  • 전공분야기초의학/신경계물리치료
이메일 보내기

현재 영남이공대학교 물리치료학과 교수

한국보바스협회 대구경북도회 총무이사

한국보바스협회 정회원

대한물리치료학회 이사

영남대학교의료원 재활의학과 물리치료실 근무

대구한의대학교 물리치료학과 근무

전문 및 전공분야

기초 의학

취득면허 및 자격증

물리치료사면허 (보건복지부)
미국물리치료사면허 (New York 주)


The effects of closed and open kinetic chain exercises on lower limb muscle activity and balance in stroke survivors. NeuroRehabilitation. 2013
Influence of Isokinetic Strength Training of Unilateral Ankle on Ipsilateral One-legged Standing Balance of Adults. Journal of Physical Therapy science, 2013
Effects of Progressive Resistance Training Integrated with Foot and Ankle Compression on Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters of individuals with Stroke. Journal of Physical Therapy science, 2013
Effect of handrail use while performing treadmill walking on the gait of stroke patients. Journal of Physical Therapy science, 2015
Effect of constrained weight shift on the static balance and muscle activation of stroke patients. Journal of Physical Therapy science, 2015
Is effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on visuomotor oordination dependent on task difficulty? Neural Regeneration Research, 2015
Does hemispheric lateralization influence therapeutic effects of transcranial direct current stimulation? Neural Regeneration Research, 2016
The effect of smartphone usage time on postureand respiratory function. Journal of Physical Therapy science, 2016
Effect of sitting posture on respiratory function while using a smartphone. Journal of Physical Therapy science, 2016


조인희 교수

  • 담당과목심폐물리치료/신경계물리치료/운동조절
  • 전공분야신경계물리치료/호흡물리치료
이메일 보내기

단국대학교 대학원(물리치료전공) 석사학위

단국대학교 대학원(물리치료전공) 박사수료


현재 영남이공대학교 물리치료과 교수
단국대학교 물리치료학과 외래 강사
영남대학교병원 물리치료사 근무
대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 정회원
단국대학교 물리치료학과 연구원 근무

전문 및 전공분야


취득면허 및 자격증

물리치료사면허 (보건복지부)